The Outsiders Survey Harley Quinn of Batman (baddie)

Your Handle :
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Your Homepage :
Where in the universe are you from?
State or Province?
Your age?
When is your Birthday?
Are you a member of the OutsideTheLines Mailing List?
Do you read a lot of fan fiction on the net?
If you answered yes, Please add a FEW the titles of your faviorite stories or names of your faviorite authors.
Are you a fan fiction writer?
If you answered yes, Please add a FEW of the titles (or working titles) of some of your work.
Do you read/post your stories to . . .
OutsideTheLines Mailing List?
The Shifting Sands?
The Campfire,Tales of The Common People?
Some other sites/newsgroups? Yes No
If you checked yes above, what sites?
(Please list any and all that you frequent)
Are you an artist?
If you said yes,What do you like to create? List the type of art you like and your faviorate medium(s)
How would you rate the OutsideTheLines Website?
What would you like to see added to the OutsideTheLines HomePage?
You can add your; questions, comments, and cusswords in this space;

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