Osnovnye slova: Russky - The OutsideTheLines Home Page

Dictionary of Forgan Phrases -
Osnovnye slova: Russky
(Basic Words: Russian)


Russky (Russian)

Yes Da
No Net
Thank you Spasibo
Thank you very much Bolshoe spasibo
You're welcome Pazhaluista
Please Pazhaluysta
Excuse me Izvinite
Hello Zdravstvuyte
Goodbye Do svidaniya
So long Poka
Good morning Dobroe utro
Good afternoon Dobry den
Good evening Dobry vecher
Good night Spokoynoy nochi
I do not understand Ya ne ponimayu
How do you say this in English? Kak eto skazat po russky?
Do you speak ... Vy govorite po-...
English Angliysky
French Frantsuzsky
German Nemetsky
Spanish Ispansky
I Ya
We Mui
You (singular, familiar) Ty
You (singular, formal) Vy
You (plural) Vy
They Oni
What is your name? Kak vas zovut?
Nice to meet you. Ochen priyatno.
How are you? Kak dela?
Good Horosho
Bad Ploho
So so Tak sebe
Wife Zhena
Husband Muzh
Daughter Doch
Son Syn
Mother Mat
Father Otets
Friend Drug

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©David D. Amaya

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