This is informative guide, written by David Amaya, has many tips and pitfalls for the budding Fan Fic writer.
Your posts to the list misaligned? Want to HTML your story for an archive? Here is the bare bones guide to fix your script!
Assembled by Kielle, it is THE comic fan fiction writers, resource.
Lax on the lingo?? Some common phrases from other languages.
On-line General & Fiction Writing resources
Not all geared towards Fan Fiction, but some of the best universal tools on improving the mechanics of your writings.
As Mentioned in the OTL Guide to Fan Fiction Writing The most frequented tool in writing next to the Dictionary.
A search engine helps you find the right quote for a title or if you need that special one-liner, this on-line version of the classic reference book has them all.
Here is perhaps the best book on writing ever, presented in a simple manner William Strunk would no doubt approve of. A MUST for every writer.
Books on Writing
Here is a list of some great books, (YES BOOKS, you know the ones you read OFF-LINE?) that can help you improve your writing.
Reference Books;
"Bartlett's Familiar Quotations"
By John Bartlett
Websters New World -"Misspeller's Dictionary"
"Write Right! "
By Jan Venolia
Comic Style:
"Comics and Sequential Art"
By Will Eisner
"Understanding Comics"
By Scott McCloud
The Creative Process:
"A Wack On The Side of the Head: How to Unlock Your Mind for Innovation"
By Roger von Oech
"Right brain. . . Write On! Overcoming Writers Block"
By Bill Downey
"Fiction is Folks. How To Create Unforgettable Characters"
By Robert Newton Peck
"On Writing The Short Story"
By Hallie Burnett
"What's Your Story? A Young Person's Guide to Writing Fiction"
By Marion Dane Bauer
Ideas & Reference
"The Transive Vampire. A Handbook of Grammar for the Innocent"
By Karen Elizabeth Gordon
"Great Beginnings. Opening Lines of Great Novels"
By Georgianne Ensign